If eating sushi at your regular spot has become a bit of a bore, then on over to Japan where a unique restaurant offers a high-tech dining experience with robots.
Tokyo's Robot Restaurant cost $127 million to build and is more of a robotic amusement park than a restaurant. Although there's sushi and other treats on the menu, the main attraction are the robot shows with laser beams, Japanese folk music and real live dancers.
A $37 cover charge lets you enjoy a three hour-long caberet feauring giant robots, fake geishas and bikini-clad models engaging in a mock fight using robots and LED encrusted tanks. It's a wild atmosphere with neon lights and a bento box to keep your belly full.
For a peak at the real thing, check out the Robot Restuarant website.
Robot Restaurant
1-7-1 Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo, Japan
All images via Robot Restaurant/Facebook