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Exercise, Diet and Discipline: Are you Looking after your Kitchen Brigade?

21 February, 2020
Kitchen Brigata

Photo @StockFood

6. Discipline in life

Part of an education for life that you can offer cooks is to hold them to the highest standards, be consistent, and set the example in this regard. 

7. The power of music and art

A balanced cook is a person who has the opportunity to be exposed to the inspiration and healing nature of art in all forms. 

8. Professionalism

 As a leader and a mentor, you owe it to your employees to show them what professionalism means, how it is applied, and why it is important to the operation and to their brand.

9. Career mentorship

Be the leader who is willing to listen and not judge, but point out their errors in judgment. Be the chef who is always there (even after they leave your employ) to answer the phone and take the time to be that guide on the side. This is the kind of chef that people want to work for.

10. Confidence Building

When you engage in all of the above a cook’s confidence will grow, his or her pride in the profession will increase exponentially.


Top image: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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