Have you ever wondered what the most expensive cheese in the world is? It turns out the world's priciest cheese is made of donkey's milk.
A natural reserve in Serbia is making the world's only donkey cheese. Sold at over $600 a pound, which amounts to over $1,200 (1,000 euros) for one kilo, it is the world's most expensive cheese, according to Reuters.
The jennies (female donkeys) are milked by hand three times a day since donkey-milking machines have yet to be invented. One kilo of cheese requires 25 liters of milk.
''No one is producing it in Europe or the world, there's no such information and no one would produce it because it would be excessively expensive. In a European context it (the price) would amount to three, four or five thousand euros (per kilogram). But we dared to make such a product, offered at an acceptable price of about a thousand euros, and that makes it the most expensive cheese in the world. There is no cheese as expensive at the moment, nor more valuable, and in such low quantities, as ours,'' the head of the reserve Slobodan Simic told Reuters.
The natural reserve is located Zasavica, a town about 50 miles (80 km) west of Belgrade. The cheese-making practice is a way of helping the donkeys avoid extinciton. Simic said he hopes to begin exporting the cheese, known as pule, to Germany, the United Kingdom and other countries.
Via Sky News