When it comes to brewing tea, it seems Brits trust one source above all others. That would be celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal, whose signature tea maker has become a top seller in the United Kingdom.
Housewares Live reports that the Sage by Heston Blumenthal Tea Maker, a sleek appliance with 15 pre-programmed settings, is flying off the shelves at John Lewis department stores.
"The Tea Maker is a big hit with customers and is currently the most popular product in the new Sage range of small appliances,'' said William Jones, a John Lewis buyer for small appliances.
The gourmet tea maker retails at £199.95 (about $315) and was designed to brew tea while keeping tea leaf tannins intact.
Last year, Blumenthal launched a line of ready made foods for Waitrose supermarkets and debuted his lemon and earl grey gin.