That's My Jazz is a short form documentary by filmmaker Ben Proudfoot and Breakwater Studios, presenting an intimate portrait of Milt Abel II, considered one of the best young pastry chefs in the world.
At a moment the industry is straining, this inspired and personal account of the son of Kansas City jazz legend Milt Abel Sr., Milt II offers a welcome moment of reflection of what it means to be a professional at the highest level, whether a jazz musician or a pastry chef, and the drive and commitment it takes to make it to the top.
Over 14 inspired minutes, he recounts his rise to stardom, from working at Thomas Keller and Per Se to heading overseas to Noma in Copenhagen, and its intersection with the setting of his father's health decline to the backdrop of jazz music.
My drive in life has always been to live up to the legacy of my father and his success, both professionally and personally," said Milt Abel II. "THAT'S MY JAZZ captures that message in a beautiful way through sight and sound. I could not be more thrilled, proud, and honored to have Ben tell this story."
Milt now lives and works in Copenhagen.
The documentary was awarded best documentary at the James Beard Foundation Broadcast Media Awards 2020.