Eastern European Sushiis a blog that combines Eastern european cuisine and sushi with some interesting results.
Like the sausage breakfast classic or Zeppelinaki, a Eastern dish that uses potato dumplings and minced meat and mushrooms that has been redesigned as a sushi roll.
The aim of the site is to take dishes from Soviet Lithuania and reinvent them with sushi spins and was invented by the Clinic 212 agency.
The site is packed full of interesting culinary creations and we'd love to actually try some Eastern sushi.
Smoked mackerel, bread, onion, sour cream and dark beer.
Red caviar, vodka and silver spoon.
Meatballs, eggs, mashed potatoes, various vegetables, compote.
Looking for new dessert ideas? Try this easy grape cake recipe: learn how to make a soft white grape cake, perfect for your Autumn meals and breakfasts.