It was a clever stunt in 2007 that brought the French dairy brand to the world’s attention: Michel et Augustin call their drinkable yogurt vache à boire, or drinkable cow. And they even managed to place it on Bill Gates’ table in front of the TV cameras, when the Microsoft founder attended the Entrepreneurs Congress in Paris in 2007.
All that was needed for this small miracle to take place was a little imagination and courage on the behalf of one of the company’s employees, Christopher, who strode into the Congress building pretending to be a member of the catering company and delivered a few (unrequested) boxes of Michel et Augustin drinkable yogurt for the conference attendees.
The “Bill Gates testimonial” was one of the company’s most successful publicity stunts: their brand appeared on national television at a time when it was mostly unknown. To add a finishing touch, the two “troublemakers” posted the video of the stunt on their website, complete with a “100% fake” French dubbing of Gates’ speech: you can watch the father of Windows praise lavishly the Michel et Augustin vache à boire in the language of Victor Hugo here.