A fountain spewing green water is often cause for alarm. That's not the case in Geneva where a group of artist and architects have built a series of lush Italian-style fountains at a local park. The fountains double as a breeding ground for spirulina, a highly nutritious blue-green algae.
As you can imagine, the green-tinted fountains are quite an attraction. The project was developed by the team at Burea A, who found inspiration in a 16th century villa located 20 km southeast of Rome. The team recreated the Villa Aldo Brandini, built in 1550, and use it to actively cultivate spirulina.
Spirulina is prized for its nutritional content and is commonly added to smoothies. It contains all amino acids and is high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Take a look at the beautiful spirulina fountains below:
Via Design Boom | Images courtesy Dylan Perrenoud