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Brazil Flavors: Luiz Filipe Souza from Evvai

A view inside Evvai restauran

Photo: courtesy of 50 Best Restaurants

17 October, 2020

Brazil Flavors: Luiz Filipe Souza from Evvai

An exciting new ingredient-swap dinner series begins in Brazil. First up is Luiz Filipe Souza from Evvai in Sao Paolo, who has been challenged to cook a new dish for one night with ingredients sent by Felipe Schaedler of Banzeiro.

If eating out is all about the experience, discover what happens at Brazil Flavors! It's a new ingredient swap series, in which chefs from some of Brazil's finest restaurants will challenge their peers to cook up a menu using the ingredients they send them.

First up is chef Luiz Filipe Souza from Evvai in São Paulo, who will receive ingredients from Felipe Schaedler from Banzeiro in Manaus.

See what this talented chef can do with the surprise ingredients, with which he'll have to prepare a dish to be included on the tasting menu.

Luiz Filipe is usually known for his Italian-style cooking with Brazilian ingredients, so let's see if this challenge takes him outside of his comfort zone into other tasty avenues.

Further events will take place as more restaurants join the fun in different cities. Watch this space.


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Brazil Flavors: Luiz Filipe Souza from Evvai

17 October, 2020
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