If you've ever touched or tried sea urchin or umi, you'll know they are a sensorial experience. Not simply for their spiny exterior but also when it comes to tasting the delicate and musky flesh encased inside.
Mixed in with tagliatelle, enjoyed as sushi or sashimi or simply fresh from the sea, the prized delicacy is an acquired taste that requires some skilful preparation.
Once through the spikey shell, only a small part of the interior of the sea urchin is actually eaten, which happens to be the sex organs, which run along the inside of the shell.
Find out how to successfully tap into that tasty interior with this hands-on demonstration from Zagat and unlock those sweet and sea-salty flavours:
Check out this sea urchin recipe in a lobster jell-o with cauliflower, caviar and crispy seaweed waffles by chef Richard Ekkebus. Find the recipe here.
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