The animated short film Un Petit plat pour l'Homme (which loosely translates from French as 'a small platter for man') is a delightful film produced with foodies in mind. It follows the adventures of a hungry astronaut in space.
The name of the 3D film is a twist on Neil Armstrong's famous quote about landing on the moon, which he described as ''one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.'' The film was made by Corentin Charron, a student at Supinfocom in Arles, France. After being assigned the topic of cooking for his third-year project, Corentin took the space route and developed his story line around a French astronaut.
While working on his galactic mission, the astronaut gets hungry and uses hand signals to communicate with the cook inside the space ship. The cook battles gravity to produce the perfect plate and gives the viewers and the astronaut a nice surprise. Check out how the peels the carrot!