Soak up the last days of the summer with these refreshing granita recipes. Granita, known to most Americans as Italian ice, originally hails from Sicily. Countless varieties are made on the island but citrus flavors remain the most popular. Try your hand at making this cool treat and let us know how you made out in the comments below.
Orange Granita with White Coffee Cream
Ever noticed how some restaurants serve a bit of lemon rind with espresso? The flavors compliment each other well and are the inspiration for this dessert, with one exception: the coffee cream is white.
Perhaps the most classic flavor of them all, lemon granita hits the spot on a summer afternoon. Its zestiness offers a nice bite to help you battle the sun.
This spiked granita is an excellent treat to offer at your next outdoor dinner party. Just make sure adults are only ones who get their hands on these!