There's something about honey that makes everything appear more delicious. Such is the case of this honey alphabet featuring typography drenched in the precious nectar. It is the work of Spanish artists Alberto Martinez and Franc Navarro.
The sweet lettering is part of a project in which they were asked to create low-cost typography involving the use of a liquid, according to Fubiz. The pair cut wooden letters and dipped them in honey right before photographing each one. The result is stunning, appetizing and fun.
"I love to learn about new designers and their processes, new technologies which will occupy the market in tomorrow’s world, and industrial processes and materials. My personal favourite kinds of products are the ones that seem minimal and simple, and yet have deep connotations and meaning," Navarro explains on his blog Design Hooked.
Check out some of the honey alphabet below and too see more here. If you are hooked on sweet things you'll appreciate this chocolatey tiramisu alphabet and this edible typography made from candy, veggies and more.