How many glasses of wine a week? How much fatty food? How much exercise are you getting? All questions we face during medical checks at the doctors and all questions at the doctor and all the sort of questions that we may be a little less inclined to answer truthfully.
But new technology is chnaging this, especially for the question, How many vegetables have you eaten lately? Now all doctors will have to do is shine a simple laser on your skin to see if you really are eating those greens.
Called Resonance Raman Spectroscopy (RSS), the technology involves a doctor shining a blue laser on a patients skin. The laser technology, developed by Yale University, then reveals carotenoid pigments found in the skin. These pigments are naturally found in the vegetables we consume and transfer to our blood stream when we digest.
The technology is interesting and could in the future be used t detect other information about a persons diet without traditional invasive procedures such as skin samples and taking blood. If this device makes it in to the home maybe it will put an end to children eating pizza at school only to tell a proud mum and dad that they ate all their greens.