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Would You Pay $16,000 For A Pineapple?

Would You Pay $16,000 For A Pineapple?


The world's most expensive pineapple, which is grown by horticulturalists in the United Kingdom, has an estimated cost of  £10,000 pounds, or roughly $16,161.

Although it may look ordinary, this special pineppale is grown in the Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall. Pineapples have been cultivated in the gardens since the 19th century, when wealthy families would rent them as table decorations.

Since this tropical fruit is usually grown in warmer climates, British gardeners have to use traditional Victorian techniques to cultivate the pineapples. The fruit is grown in a 4-foot deep trench inside a 40-foot long pineapple pit.' Then it's buried under 30 tons of manure and regularly soaking them in horse urine. 

It's a time consuming and expensive process that costs  £1,200 pounds per pineappe, an estimated $1,932, according to The Daily Mail.

So who's crazy enought to pay $16,000 for a pineapple? No one, really. The pineapple will be harvested and cut up for garden employees so they can savor the fruit of their labor.

Via The Daily Mail

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