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Fruits and Vegetables in season in november

What's in Season in November?

Many fall favourites like pumpkin, butternut squash, mushrooms, beets and celeriac are among the glorious vegetables that are in season in November.

There is also plenty of fruit available in November – from tender pears and apples to pretty pomegranates and persimmons. So there will much inspiration for your fall menus.

After knowing what is in season in September and October, below is a round up of what's in season in November so you can take note and head to the market with confidence.

Vegetables and fruits in season in November


la zucca ricette

We all know that pumpkin is the queen of fall and for good reason. You can make virtually anything with this orange-hued vegetable: velvety soups, delicious breads, comforting casseroles, pies and even smoothies.

Try some of our gourmet pumpkin recipes, you won't be disappointed.



Pomegranate is an antioxidant-rich fruit that adds beauty to any dish. Use it to add a bejeweled touch to your rice dishes, salads, hummus and desserts or try our delivious pomegranate recipes.



Depending on where you live, chestnuts begin to creep into markets as early as November. Take advantage and make some chestnut recipes by using them in everything, from chocolate desserts to roasts.


barbabietole rosse ricette

Earthy, sweet and colourful, beets are part of the bounty of autumn. Wrap them in foil and bake until tender then cut into cubes for salad or puree into a soup. The possibilities are many.

Try these delicious beet recipes.



Have you ever cooked celeriac? It's great in everything from soups and roasts to purees and chips. Learn how to cook celeriac and try some recipes.


funghi ricette

Mushrooms are everywhere in November. Packed with selenium, an essential mineral and powerful antioxidant, mushrooms are delicious and good for you.

Try these delectable mushroom recipes.


Bosc, anjou, bartlett, comice ... there are many varieties of pears to choose from this season. Try them fresh, poached, sliced into salads or baked into a soufflé.

Here are some delightful pear recipes for you.



There are so many varieties of apples to choose between, from a firm and crispy Gala to a tart and spicy Braeburnt, the possibilities are endless. What's more they are ideal for both sweet and savoury recipes, being a great addition to everything from salads and soup to casseroles and dessert. Discover five easy ways to cook with apples.


verza ricetta

Cabbage is often the unsung hero of the colder months. Inexpensive, plentiful and flavourful, there's a lot that can be created with this kitchen stalwart. What's more there are so many varieties of cabbage, from smooth-leafed purple cabbages to crinkle-leafed savoy cabbages, there's a favourite for all.

The possibilities with cabbage are endless. Try these 10 cabbage recipes from around the world.

Also in season in November:

  • Apples
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Chard
  • Collard Greens
  • Kale
  • Parsnips
  • Persimon
  • Radishes
  • Winter Squash


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