There's a lot that goes into extracting the perfect espresso. The right pressure, temperature, type of coffee grind ... and that's before it comes to serving it in the right cup, and now, we are told, with the right stirring spoon.
According to the inventors behind a new design of espresso spoon, the crema on the surface of an espresso is what keeps our precious coffee hotter for longer, as well as preserving the special notes of aroma and flavour, which can be destroyed when stirring with a standard form teaspoon or espresso spoon.
It was with this idea in mind that Modishspoon (pictured above and below) developed the unusually shaped Italian design spoon, that's about three times smaller than a normal teaspoon and allows you to stir an espresso without sacrificing the crema. It also balances neatly across the rim of the cup, in a secondary style feature.
The crowdfunding campaign to finance the marketing has nearly reached its target. If you are a coffee geek seeking espresso perfection you can find out more about their Kickstarter campaign here.