Nowness produced a beautiful video in which they visit Ivan Orkin, an American who managed to open a successful ramen noodle business in Tokyo. The video follows Orkin has he explains his love affair with Japan and cooking and how he was always looking for a way to combine the two. Then, speaking about his New York space, Ivan Noodle, he goes on to break down the entire process of making a bowl of his ramen offering an eight state layering plan for how he perfects his dish.
From the making of the noodles to the umami rich dashi and punchy fish powder - this is an expert In his trade explaining exactly what he thinks it takes to make the perfect bowl of ramen. It’s a nice video that shows what happens when passionate chefs tackle a dish with a dedication to perfection, ramen noodle perfection.
“The Eight Chapters of Ramen” by Jake Sumner - NOWNESS presents from NOWNESS on Vimeo.