Tropical Finger Sandwich
Finger sandiwch recipe with Philadelphia, mango, chocolate and salmon, by Chef Ernst Knam, from L'Antica Arte del Dolce bakery in Milan
Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie over low heat, bringing it to a temperature of 31°C.
Using a spoon, spread it on a piece of waxed paper into a 2 mm layer and let chill.
Cut into a rectangle with a knife.
Dilute the wasabi with a bit of water, add the Philadelphia and mix well.
Make a finger sandwhich, layering it as follows: white bread / wasabi & Philadelphia / lightly smoked salmon / salt and pepper / wasabi & Philadelphia / chocolate sheet / arugula / mango slices / wasabi & Philadelphia / lightly smoked salmon / salt and pepper / wasabi & Philadelphia / chocolate layer / arugula / sliced mango / wasabi & Philadelphia / white bread