Autumn is the perfect time of year to fall in love with chestnuts. Sweet, creamy and highly aromatic when roasted, chestnuts are a wonderful way to boost the flavor of fall and winter recipes. So how do you cook chestnuts? Join us as we discover some fun facts about chesnuts and flavorful recipes you can easily prepare at home.
Rich in fiber, protein, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, chestnuts contain a wealth of minerals including potassium and magnesium. Chestnuts are the only tree nut that contains vitamin C. Prized for centuries in Asia and the Mediterranean chestnuts are an ancient plant believed to have originated 10 million years ago.
Want to know more? Here are 26 things you probably didn't know about chestnuts.
Did you know you could make beer from chestnuts? It's a flavorful beverage popular in Italy and France that requires a lot of effort to produce. Chestnuts are naturally high in starch, which clogs the filters during the brewing process. The effort is well worth it although the beer is somewhat of an acquired taste for some beer drinkers.
Chestnuts are also the base for an Italian liqueur known as castagnaccio. The French produce a creamier version called creme du chataigne.
Pumpkin, mushrooms and chestnuts: a delicious trio that highlights the flavors of fall. It's an easy fall dish anyone can prepare. Here is the recipe.
Chestnuts and Brussels sprouts are another dish that should make it to your table this autumn. This recipe calls for the addtion of white balsamic vinegar and white wine - a gourmet touch with exquisite results.
Click here for 11 ways to cook chestnuts including a fabulous chocolate dessert.