Tostones (Cuban Twice-Fried Plantains)
Vegetable oil: 1/2 cup
Plantains: 2 unripe, peeled and cut into 1 inch slices
Kosher salt: to taste
Wondering how to make Cuban deep-fried planains? Here's an easy recipe for tostones, a very popular side or snack prepared simply frying flattened plantains.
Tostones are also enjoyed in other Caribbean islands such as Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Find out how to prepare this this recipe at home.
To prepare Cuban fried plantains (called tostones) first heat oil in a deep frying pan over medium-high heat.
Fry the plantains until golden.
Transfer to paper towels to let drain and cool.
Flatten the fried plantains using a tostonera to about 1 cm thick.
Reheat pan and fry the flattened plantains until golden on both sides.
Serve the Cuban fried plantains immediately.