Imagine stuffed plump tomatoes spilling over with oozing hot cheese, or golden brown courgettes stuffed to the brim with couscous and plump raisins and sweet filled apples topped off with homemade vanilla ice cream. Sound delicious?
Rewind and imagine all that elbow grease and time it's going to take to hollow out all that fruit and veg to get you to that mouth-watering moment. Still sound delicious?
Think again. VegiDrill is here to the rescue.
VegiDrill is a hand vegetable drilling machine that comes with different sized drilling heads suitable for a number of fruit and vegetables, including onions, carrots, courgettes, potatoes, tomatoes and apples. Before you can say stuffed tomatoes you'll be left with a cavity big enough to stuff with a delicious filling, no scooping or scraping required.
Once you're drilled the desired interior there's no need the insides go to waste, you can always throw them into soups or mix in with your other ingredients. Let your imagination run riot and think of all the fun you could have getting creative with canapes and drill happy with dessert.
Take a look at the VegiDrill in Action:
The VegiDrill can be purchased through Amazon.
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