Are you into home brewing? Would you like to age your homemade spirits and beer without having to deal with the expense of buying a mini oak barrel? Well, we've found a solution you may just want to drink to.
Behold Age It Yourself, a DIY kit that helps you age whisky, tequila, beer and cocktails in small batches. All you do is pour the ingredients into a jar preloaded with an American white oak blend and let them steep. The color will begin to change within hours and, in just two weeks, you'll be able to capture the flavor notes of an oak barrel.
The team behind Age It Yourself explains that they've come up with an innovative way to use oak without giving ''harsher, bitter flavors.'' Here's what they explained on their Kickstarter profile:
"We hand-cut all of our wood with our own special design that maximizes its long-grain surface area. The long grain of wood is the only part that touches liquor in a traditional barrel and is responsible for giving it its smooth, consistent flavors like vanilla, toast, and smoke.
Our process is the first to capture the flavor of a full-sized barrel by accurately recreating what a liquor is exposed to as it ages in one. We invented our own oven to get the perfect char, everytime. We developed new wood processing techniques so there would be zero waste. We tested and sampled hundreds of recipes before we even came close to our final Charred oak blend."
If their Kickstarter goal is reached, the Age It Yourself DIY kit will be available for delivery by Christmas. It comes in two sizes and includes a funnel, a serving/storage bottle and full instructions.
Like what you see? Swing by Kickstarter to support this ingenious invention. Bottoms up!