Caramelized Tropea Onion And Goat Cheese by Matias Perdomo
30 Mar 2012
Isomalt: 200 g
Lemons: 2 g
Goat's cheese: 250 g
Cream: 250 g
Egg whites: 10 g
Onion: 5 red each
Sugar: 100 g
Wine vinegar: 2 ml
Butter: 50 g
Caramelized tropea onions, with a tepid goat cheese mousse stuffing, a vegetarian appetizer by the Italian chef Matias Perdomo
Bring the isomalt to 170 °C, add the lemon.
Pour it onto a silicon mat.
Work the sugar until it’s satiny.
With the help of a lamp and a little spray pump, blow the sugar into onion shapes.
Melt the cheese into the cream. Add the egg whites with a blender. Put two gas cartridges into a 1-litre siphon. Caramelize the onion with sugar.
Add the vinegar. Cook until all liquid is evaporated and add the butter last. Stuff the sugar onion with the marmalade and the tepid goat cheese mousse.