Eat a Swede, a mockumentary produced by the Swedish Food Federation, which jokingly explores whether we should eat lab-grown human meat to tackle climate change, has scooped the Entertainment Grand Prix at this year's Cannes Lions festival.
The satirical 18-minute story follows Swedish scientist and founder of Swede Meat, Dr. Erik Karlsson, on his one-man mission and dream to line grocery store shelves with lab-grown human meat and help the world to eat more sustainably. "I have been eating human meat for quite some time now ... and I'm not crazy,” he begins.
The Swedish Food Federation made the provocative film to encourage people to sit up and take Sweden's lead for more sustainable and responsible food production. "We want to bring attention to a very urgent question: how can we sustainably produce high-quality food for 10 billion people? We’re not saying that we have all the answers, but we think we have some of them," they say.
Take a look at the short film below to find out if human meat is the future: