Have you tried friggitelli? The dinky green peppers with an unmistakably bitter taste that grace most dining tables during the summer heat of Southern Italy.
Excellent simply pan sautéed, friggitelli are actually extremely versatile and lend themselves easily to side dishes as well as enjoyed with pasta or potatoes.
What are friggitelli?
Friggitelli, or friarelli, are small sweet chili peppers native to the south of Italy but also grown in Greece and around the Mediterranean. They may turn red when mature, but are normally picked when green, when they are at their best.
What do friggitelli taste like?
Friggitelli are mild with a hint of bitterness and are often pickled in jars. The complex flavour of friggitelli is best appreciated fresh, but they can also be sautéed or stuffed.
Discover the many ways to cook friggitelli and in which delicious recipes to use them:
How to cook friggitelli
Friggitelli - also known as friarielli in some areas of Southern Italy - can be prepared in various ways. The most common cooking technique is sautéing them in a pan before seasoning with plenty of coarse salt. The dinky peppers are also fun to eat with your hands by holding onto stalk! Whether fried in a pan or baked, the friggitelli are delicious as a side dish, paired with meat and fish.