What do long-distance runners and chefs have in common? Well, they both depend on their feet to stay in good shape. So the right socks can make a big difference.
There aren’t many jobs with the same physical pressures as a chef, staying on your feet for 10 hours a day in high temperatures, turning on a dime and navigating small, cramped spaces while surrounded by danger everywhere. To be on top of your game you need to be in top shape physically and mentally.
Every chef knows that feeling of peeling off their socks after a hard night’s service and feel the throbbing and the burn of blisters from wearing the wrong shoes or socks.
Just as runners have turned to the detail of their gear to give them a little edge, to make them that bit more comfortable and better able to perform, so chefs should too.
The days of wearing whatever cast-off chef’s whites and aprons that they’ve inherited from whatever chef stormed out of the kitchen are long gone and they're looking to get their hands on the best gear that suits them.
With that in mind, we’re looking at designed with chefs in mind.